Who We Are

The mission of the club is to promote the agendas of the UN’s sustainable development goals as well as to understand and protect our coastal environment and marine ecosystem through research-based voluntary works.

Ocean Sustainability Club (OSC) is a nonprofitable volunteer organization governed by the authority of Bangladesh Marine Academy.

Young academy cadets and  seafarers are the  core members of the club. Beside seafarers any person having interest on sustainable ocean and environment management can be the member of the club. The primary objective of the club is to foster awareness of marine and coastal environments of Bangladesh through educational program

Ocean Sustainability Club (OSC) is a nonprofitable volunteer organization . Young academy cadets are the core members of the club. Beside academy cadets any person having interest on sustainable ocean and environment management can be the member of the club. The primary objective of the club is to foster awareness of marine and coastal environments of Bangladesh through educational programs.

The mission of the club is to promote the agendas of the UN’s sustainable development goals as well as to understand and protect our coastal environment and marine ecosystem through research-based voluntary works.

Mission Statement:

-To perform educational activities and to arrange seminar that encourages the responsible use and conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems by stakeholders.

-To conduct scientific research to improve the health of Karnaphuli River and coastal area of Bay of Bengal. 

–To inform the public and decision-makers about the natural resources of the Bay and threats to their long-term protection

-To promote conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems of Bangladesh

-To collaborate with other institutions and individuals whenever possible to move forward the Club’s mission.


To be the a leading national and global platform  to conserve the coastal and marine environment


Educate people to Achieve a sustainable marine environment

 To accomplish its mission initially the club will conduct its activities on the following subjects:

  1. Marine Edification Program.
  2. Marine Waste.
  3. Stakeholder integration
  4. Accomplish sustainable projects to protect the marine environment
  5. Conduct research work on the marine environment adjacent to the academy
  6. Publish newsletter/wallpaper/ magazine

Following are the brief descriptions of each subject area:

  1. Marine Edification Program:


This program aims to promote responsiveness, raise awareness and increase understanding of marine and coastal environments through educational programs. Under this program, the club will try to educate a broad spectrum of audiences and ages, including students and the general public.

  1. Marine Waste Management

Marine waste is a global problem. There is no part of the world ocean left untouched by waste and debris. It is a significant threat to our environment, navigation safety, the ecosystem, the economy and human health. Under this program, the club will try to ascertain sources of waste and pollutant in Karnaphuli River and Bay of Bengal. Moreover, the club will conduct extensive awareness program among the local community to reduce the river pollution.

  1. Conduct research work on the marine environment (Example)

The Ganges dolphin is the top predator in the freshwater habitat. Its presence in adequate numbers indicates greater bio-diversity and a positive sign of clean Ganges. But if the number decreases, it is a negative sign of increasing pollution. Hence, the Ganges dolphin plays a vital role in the aquatic ecological balance. Through this program society will try to find out causes of reduction of Karnaphuuli river dolphins and will try to come up with suggestions to protect this endangered species and thus will try to improve the biodiversity and water quality of Karnphuli river.

    4.Time Line

Short-term program: 2018-2020- in line with vision 2020 of Bangladesh Government.

Midterm program: 2018-2030- In line with Sustainable Development Goal of United Nation.

Long-term program: 2018-2040- In line with vision 2040 of Bangladesh Government.

An advisory body will guide the club consists of high profile national and international professionals, researchers, university doctors, professors and individual intellectuals on the marine field. 

Club Executive Committee  will  run the overall activity of the club.