Community Engagement for Lifelong Learning

On 18th September 2021 , thousands of people from all around the globe has taken part in a global event -World Cleanup Day.

World Cleanup Day is the world’s largest one-day civic action to engage more than 180 countries to tackle global waste crisis. World Cleanup Day is not just about cleanups. It’s a strong and unique network of doers who share the vision of the waste-free world and believe that together we can clean up the world from waste.As a doers organization OSC has celebrated the day with a Beach cleanup and Ghost Gear Awareness Campaign among the local fishermen and community people staying at Parki Beach area of Anowara, Chattogram.

Local fishermen has been briefed on the concept of Ghost Gear and its impacts on fisheries and marine life as well as how to mitigating this problem. Furthermore there was knowledge sharing session among the community people regarding impact of plastic pollution . Finally OSC has distributed reusable masks among the participants to encourage use of reusable face mask in this COVID pandemic situation so as to reduce the number of onetime use mask ended up to the environment.

Later club volunteer members, fishermen and community people took part in a Beach Cleanup program . Thanks to all volunteer club members who have made the program a successful one.

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