Ocean Sustainability Club (OSC) is a nonprofitable volunteer organization governed by the authority of Bangladesh Marine Academy
Young academy cadets are the core members of the club. Beside academy cadets any person having interest on sustainable ocean and environment management can be the member of the club. The primary objective of the club is to foster awareness of marine and coastal environments of Bangladesh through educational programs.
The mission of the club is to promote the agendas of the UN’s sustainable development goals as well as to understand and protect our coastal environment and marine ecosystem through research-based voluntary works.

What We Do
Marine Edification Program:
This program aims to promote responsiveness, raise awareness and increase understanding of marine and coastal environments through educational programs. Under this program, the club will try to educate a broad spectrum of audiences and ages, including students and the general public.
Marine Waste Management
Marine waste is a global problem. There is no part of the world ocean left untouched by waste and debris. It is a significant threat to our environment, navigation safety, the ecosystem, the economy and human health. Under this program, the club will try to ascertain sources of waste and pollutant in Karnaphuli River and Bay of Bengal. Moreover, the club will conduct extensive awareness program among the local community to reduce the river pollution.
Stakeholder integration
Aim of the programme is to share knowledge and experience between school, college and university level students and other stakeholders trough horizontal integration to buildup awareness among the next generation citizen of Bangladesh towards sustainable ocean and environment management.
Accomplish sustainable projects to protect the marine environment
From a sustainability, perspective, it is now widely established that disposal, dither through landfilling or incineration, is the least preferred waste management option. lnstead, there is now a preference for avoiding or reducing total waste volumes, reusing products and materials where possible, and recycling materials that cannot be directly reused. This contemporary approach recognises that the actions of individuals, businesses and institutions, are all critical to reducing total waste volumes and increasing resource recovery rates. To accomplish this contemporary approach the Ocean Sustainability Club has taken the initiative to promote sustainable waste management project to reduce pollution to our oceans from land base sources.
Conduct research work on the marine environment adjacent to the academy
Conducting research to find out cause, effect and possible solution for ocean pollution is one of the core agenda of the club. This will encourage young generation seafarers to develop their analyzing capacity and to realize the root cause of marine pollution. More over this will build up their capacity to come up with sustainable solutions to protect our oceans .
Publish newsletter/wallpaper/ magazine
One of the core objectives of Ocean Sustainability Club is to build the capacity of its members through creative learning. Therefore as part of fulfilling the objective, club has involved the members in publishing newsletters, hosting talk shows and creative recycling approach. “Creative Recycling” is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value. “Creative Recycling” can prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy usage, air pollution, and water pollution
Implementation of Sustainable project
On 4th October 2018, the members of Ocean sustainability Club (OSC) took their very first initiative to introduce a sustainable waste management . . .
Motivation with “My Bottle Campaign”-
“My Bottle” is an awareness buildup campaign initiated by the club members on the club inauguration day by handing over two glass bottles to the Chief . . .
On 4th October 2018, the members of Ocean sustainability Club (OSC) took their very first initiative to introduce a sustainable waste management plan f. . . .